3rd World Assassins: Their Uncivilized Behavior in the U.S. is Shocking
An immigrant doctor who once treated patients at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C. decided to change his 'not...
The 'Paramedic Heretic' on Radio
Here's our first-ever broadcast on KCAA, Southern California:
'Bad Doctors' Put on Notice: Walmart is Coming And You're Not Going to Like What Happens
How Can Walmart Change Healthcare? By Using Massive Data Banks to I.D. Incompetent/Unethical MDs Yes, Virginia, in case you haven't...
Oregon Nurse's 'Kidney Needed' Billboards Draw 5 Dozen Donors
Here's a story that ought to warm your heart . . . . It seems that 65-year-old Roxanne Loomis, an emergency room nurse at Sacred Heart...
USC And The Anatomy of a "Creepy" Doctor Cover-up. The Beat Goes on
Still another investigation - this one by the Los Angeles Times - underscores that otherwise respected universities routinely compound...
Military Psych Doctor Charged With Raping His Rape-victim Patients
A psychologist at Travis Air Force Base Medical Center in California has been arrested and charged with raping female service members....
"America's Dumbest Doctors"