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10 of the Worst Doctors of the Year 2017?

Over the course of any 12-month year we expose hundreds and hundreds of seriously crappy physicians. In no particular order, we thought you might be curious as to who made our "Top 10 Worst" last year. Trust us - we could easily list 1,000 more. And we never exaggerate,

10. Roberto Fernandez MD. in Miami. This idiot was sentenced to 8 years in prison for Medicare Fraud and ordered to pay $4,800,000 in restitution. Freaky Fernandez finally confessed to taking cash kickbacks from a drug store in exchange for referring patients there.

09. Abdul Haq MD. Ypsilanti, Michigan, confessed to Conspiracy to Commit Healthcare Fraud in a jaw-dropping $19,000,000 medical scam. Haq admitted he was a co-conspirator, prescribing unnecessary narcotics, especially oxycodone and hydrocodone.

08. Jacques Roy MD. in Rockwell, Texas, was sentenced to 35 years in prison for operating a home health scam that stole $375,000,000 from Medicare and Medicaid. Roy's scam business - called Medistat, fraudulently filed 11,000 Medicare patients to receive care from approximately 500 home-health agencies - much of which was not necessary.

07. John Couch MD in Alabama, was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of prescribing painkillers, including a fentanyl spray, for no medical reason.

06. Gary Marder DO in Palm Beach, Florida, routinely treated patients for skin cancer they didn't have. He stole millions from Medicare and other insurers.

05. David Ming Pon MD. an ophthalmologist in Jacksonville, Florida, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for cheating Medicare out of $9,000,000. Pon lied to more than 600 patients by convincing them they had eye diseases, they did not have. He then faked the treatments and billed insurance companies for the operations.

04. Aria Sabit MD. Sabit, a surgeon in Detroit, was sentenced to 19 years in prison for performing fake and unnecessary surgeries. Sabit persuaded patients to undergo unneeded spinal fusion surgery.

03. Bernard Greenspan DO. in River Edge New Jersey, was sentenced to 40 months in prison for taking $200,000 in bribes over seven years for blood specimens. Greenspan was found guilty of violating the federal antikickback statute and other crimes.

02. Christopher Duntsch MD. in Dallas Texas, was sentenced to life in prison for maiming a woman in a spinal procedure. Duntsch was convicted of aggravated assault and injury to the elderly. He had also botched operations that left two patients dead and several others paralyzed.

01. Larry Nassar MD. former team physician for the Michigan State University gymnastics and women's crew teams and USA Gymnastics Team physician through four Olympic Games, finally confessed to hundreds of instances of Criminal Sexual Assault of young women under the guise of medical treatment.

And still, some people wonder why we became The Paramedic Heretic.


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